
Club Governance

The club is organized with the goal of maximum achievement of its purposes which are to promote participation and enjoyment of yachting, both power and sail; to sponsor and encourage marine events and all other activities related to yachting and contribution to its pleasure or promotion of its future; to foster a knowledge of seamanship, water safety and yachting etiquette; to encourage in juniors an active interest in yachting; to main attractive club quarters, grounds and facilities for the convenience of its members, their guests and visiting yachtsmen. Club business is governed and directed solely by an 11-member Board of Directors consisting of the flag officers, directors, immediate past commodore and the judge advocate.

Flag officers and directors are elected by the membership as specified by the club by- laws. Sailing Vice Commodore, Power Vice Commodore, Fleet Surgeon, and Judge Advocate, as well as all standing and special committees are appointed by the Commodore. Each committee leads one or more of the Club’s activities. Club members serve on these committees on a voluntary basis and success of the club operations depend upon the effectiveness and the full cooperation and participation of the membership. Each member is encouraged to participate in at least one activity yearly.

The annual membership meeting is held on the third Saturday in July at which time suggestions, complaints, and proposed projects should be presented for review and discussion. Actions agreed upon at these meetings are referred to the Board of Directors for disposition. The Board meets at least once a month during the season and members are encouraged to submit suggestions for consideration at these meetings. Membership classifications are Regular, Junior, Life, and Non-Resident. Only regular members or their spouse may vote or hold office. Detailed information regarding membership is provided in the by-laws and fees and dues schedules may be found on a membership application form.

The overall planning and wellbeing of the club is the responsibility of the Commodore. Matters pertaining to the clubhouse are the responsibility of the Vice Commodore and the House Committee. The Rear Commodore is responsible for the parking lot, grounds, and docks. Power/outboards are governed by the Vice Commodore Power, while all sailing events are under the jurisdiction of the Vice Commodore Sail.

All financial matters, including expenditures for club properties and facilities, marine and social events, and youth activities, and the general financial wellbeing of the club are the responsibility of the Board of Directors.